

DIY Pumpkin Decorating

It is officially Fall.  The morning air is crisp while the afternoons are still reminiscent of summer. Pumpkin patches are open.  The fronts of our grocery stores are lined with pumpkins and gourds. It is pumpkin decorating time folks.  I would not recommend carving any yet for longevity purposes, but decorating these orange beauties can begin now. 

I have always been drawn to the little pumpkins.  Its the same logic in paying for anything tiny.  It is just so darn adorable to have something you love in a smaller version.  I have full intentions of taking a day trip to Sweet Berry Farms pumpkin patch in my near to immediate future, but in the mean time as I begin to adorn my house with fall decor, our grocer supplied me with a wide array of shapes, colors, and sizes of pumpkins. 

Because I tend to go overboard with most holidays, this post is one (of two) for pumpkin decorating ideas.  These are easily executed embellished pumpkins to add to your tables, porches, arrangements, and wreathes.  If you would like to have one that last you can also use fake pumpkins. They sell them at many stores all over. 

  • Pumpkins (any shape, any size)
  • Spray paint or acrylic paint (varied colors)
  • Glitter
  • Metal Stud embellishments
  • Tacky Glue or Super Glue
  • Rhinestones
  • Painter's tape
  • Straight-edge or ruler 
  • Puff Paint or paint pen

Choose the pumpkins you would like to garnish.  I chose some small and medium pumpkins.  I had purchased a few white pumpkins.  I decided these beauties should stay white because they are so naturally beautiful.  I was also told that if you get three white pumpkins and leave them uncarved (one small, one medium, and one large), they will last until December and can be stacked into a snowman when the season arrives.  I decided to leave these white and decorate them with sequins and jewels so that this transition can happen more readily when I choose.  You take the pumpkins and, using the painter's tape, section off the stem portion.  Now choose the color you prefer and paint the base color of your pumpkin.  If you are doing this as a craft with kids, I would recommend hand painting with acrylic paint and foam brushes rather than spray paint.  This protects from the toxic fumes and is a fun step in the process as well. 

After allowing your pumpkins to dry, you will want to choose an inspiration. Mine ranged from Cinderella's carriage to a rocker glam pumpkin.  Choose your design and go with it.  My first one was fall inspired.  I purchased leaf shaped sequins at my local craft store.  You can find them on Amazon as well.  I just started adding them to the top portion of my pumpkin and trailed them down toward the base where I had a pile of leaves.  This fallen leaves design resembles that of Shell Silverstein's The Giving Tree. I just love the finished product. The morning sun will reflect off the sequins beautifully. To find these leaf shaped sequins, you can visit Amazon: Leaf Sequins 7/8" 50/Pkg-Gold 

My next pumpkin was my Cinderella inspired one.  I had painted a small one black.  Taking my Puff paint (the color was metallic gold), I just started doodling gold swirls in random design.  I then took the Super Glue and embellished the curves with rhinestones. 

This rocker glam pumpkin is of my favorites this go around. I sprayed this one a dark teal color.  Then I used leather stud embellishments and rhinestones in a linear formation.  If I had this one to do over, I would like allow the teal paint to dry a tad longer, and I would use a ruler to more equally space the lines.  My excitement got the best of me, and I started too quickly.  The studs easily press into the rounder pumpkins.  Their markings are small in the case that you need to rearrange.  Then I strategically glued the rhinestones in the windows of the space between the studs.  Overall the product is fabulous though, definitely my favorite so far.


My final pumpkin for today's post is my glitter pumpkin.  This one is a must for me every season.  I sprayed a pumpkin baby blue.  After allowing it to dry I brushed on some glue, and then adorned it with gold glitter.  This one is fun to decorate with glue in varied shapes.  You can polka dot you glue and then add the glitter or add your initial and then glitter away. Adding the sparkle will yield a gorgeous table decoration for you.  Once you have glittered be sure to shake off the excess outside or onto a folded piece of paper in order to save the excess.  My husband is an advocate of shaking these outdoors, so that he doesn't end up wearing glitter every time he leaves the house.  Though I think the sparkle just adds to his handsome face. 

Happy decorating folks!  Post #2: Colorful Pumpkin Decor is coming this week as well! Keep an eye out for it. 


My 33rd birthday memoir...

We're gonna party like its 1981!

I'm 33 today.  Did you know that 33 is the smallest sum of two positive integers raised to the 5th powers? This may seem silly to you, but I rejoice in the number 3 and am thrilled to be 33 today. I should clarify that I am pretty far from narcissistic, but that I see birthday's as the only day for you to celebrate yourself fully.  You get to count your blessings, focus on the good, and speak to/text with/message with those people to whom you matter and who matter most to you.  How glorious is that?

I decided to recount some birthday party memories that I have.  I typically rely on one of my best friends since 3rd grade for pulling memories from the depths of my brain, but I am gonna try this on my own today.  I can remember a party at Showbiz pizza (Chuckie Cheese's prior to the rebranding movement) with the big animatronic gorilla and skeeball.  In kindergarden, we had a cookie decorating party. Though my memory of this is mild, I have pictures that involve some of my friends and acquaintances of today!  Afterward I can recall egg-in-spoon races down the driveway. Beyond that, I remember in 5th grade having a scavenger hunt in the neighborhood.  We had teams and went door-to-door knocking in search of a wide array of randomness.  My standout memory of that year was my big brother's involvement in the winning team which was not mine.  I had countless sleepovers which always involved tasty donuts in the morning, and at which, I was, without fail, the first one asleep.  The swim party in 6th grade was my first boy/girl party that I can recall.  It was amazing.  I still have vivid memories of sitting in the hot tub, racing to the deep end for the pool light, and giggling. Flash forward to my 30th birthday party, at my favorite restaurant Malaga in downtown Austin where everyone was adorned with sequins.  It was followed by dancing and fun at Speak Easy.  Surrounded by friends, you really can't go wrong celebrating your birthday!  So many wonderful memories flood my mind.  

What are your favorite birthday party memories as a kid? Please leave a comment below with yours.  

My sister in law shares my birthday.  Ever since I was a teenager I have adored her sense of style and fashion.  I felt privileged to have a friend who makes such lovely and stylish things that I had the opportunity to send something unique and handmade to my sister in law for her birthday celebration. Check out the Etsy shop: Wild Air and Co.  I love sharing this day with her.   It is a wonderful link between us. 

I love checking my social media to see who reaches out on birthdays.  The canned response of "thanks for all of the birthday wishes" the following day truly doesn't encompass the way in which it invigorates a person and makes them feel special.  It is endearing and sweet in so many ways.  The text messages and phone call make me smile. 

Additionally, I adore actual cards too.  I love getting mail that isn't bills and opening to see if its gonna be sweet, funny, or somewhere in the mix.  When I send a card, I typically make it a point to put in a doodle by me.  I like to see people's personal touches on all of them.  I love when my friend Brooklyn doodles on practically anything.  Her artistic touch is always splendid.  

I find it funny that we celebrate birth days for those who were birthed.  I often think on the fact that they should possibly be celebrated by those who do the birthing. It is significant to make that loop all the way around the sun, but more importantly it is great to acknowledge the grow that has happened the past year and to make goals for the upcoming one. It like our own personal New Year's.  We can resolve to enact changes and goals that will ultimately lead us one step closer to where we would love to be in life.  I have made a list for myself that I would like to accomplish during the next year.  This is always entertaining to revisit as the year passes by.  I tend to make these lists on the notepad of my phone because it is so handy to reference at any point.  It is great for accountability purposes. 

I cannot wait to go to work to see all the smiling little faces and hear their well wishes too.  Most people would dread working on their birthday, but I am excited to celebrate with my young friends.  We are going to dance our hearts out and rejoice in the day.    

Thanks for making me feel extra special and happy on this birthday; I am lucky and blessed to have so many loving and caring friends and family members in my life. 

To 33! and all that it will be!  Happy birthday to me! 

All photo courtesy of Michelle Marie Photography.



The Last Day of Summer: September 22

Today marks the final day and end of summer.  Although most of my friends think summer ends with the beginning of the school, the autumnal equinox marks the actual beginning of Fall and in turn the end of the much coveted summertime.  The time for snow cones, beaches, and sand castles ends.  

My bestie and her three girls make
Summer Bucket List each year.
Happy last day of summer!  Take this opportunity to checkoff any undone items on your Summer Bucket lists and make a Fall Fun list. You still have today to cross those last details off: go to the park, picnic from a basket, fly that kite, eat a rainbow snow cone, swim carefree, and giggle as you sit by your afternoon lemonade stand. 

We enjoyed our summer immensely.  Two cruises, a family beach trip, and many camps later, my heart is full of happy memories that we made in our first summer as a married couple. Working summer camps, as a dance teacher, is both strenuous and amazingly enjoyable.  I look forward to the summer musical at Zilker Hillside Theatre annually.  This year they produced one of the most classic original dance intensive musicals, Oklahoma.  I enjoyed the twang of the actor's dialect and the dance performance.

One of my summer bucket list items was 'experience something new'. And did we ever! I went snorkeling whilst hubby went scuba diving.  The water shone clear as day.  The turquoise color was reminiscent of that of our front door (painted that way as a reminder to smile and to encourage happiness).  Earlier in the summer, I had the wonderful opportunity to be Ariel at Princess Camp, and on this trip I got to go "Under the Sea".  I was like a kid in a candy shop!  I full on expected Flounder to swim up and greet me. But seriously, what an experience for the senses! (Pardon my overuse of the exclamation point, but folks I was excited.) The smell of the salt water in the air.  The clear blue ocean was the perfect temperature.  We dove in, head first and kicked those flippers to our hearts' content.  Happily, Wilbirth, our scuba guide caught some snapshots of the underwater experience so that we could document this glimpse into the other world beneath the waves. 

Another fun summer bucket list item checked off for me: 'SPLASH MOB'!  I got to be a part of Hawaiian Falls splash mob event on the fourth of July.  Any excuse to dance is a good one in my book, and man, did we ever!  We took to the wave pool and danced our hearts out.  Afterward I had the pleasure of trying out the water slides at the park and watching the fireworks beneath the shelter of a lovely bungaloo whilst surrounded by families I adore, giggling children, eating dots (the ice cream phenomenon of malls across America during the 90's), and breathing in the fresh summer breeze that only comes in Texas summer heat right after a storm passes. 

Let's take a moment and rewind a tad... a must on my summer bucket list is always: Princess Camp.  I live for this camp.  I love watching magic affect children.  I love the way in which a woman dressed in a princess ball gown MUST be the actual princess and a tea party with Prince Charming will make every little girl giggle to her heart's content.  My husband is so gracious that he takes on the role of Prince Charming.  He spins them and reads stories as they stare in awe. It is incredibly charming to see him interact with these precious little girls.  My friends and I get to be princesses if only for a short while a couple days out of the summer.  It is miraculous how you feel transformed once that dress is on.  I get to take on the role of Ariel.  I get questions about Sabastian and Flounder and why my shell top is gold rather than purple.  We make snow globes with sea creatures and glitter (no surprise). My niece has come the past two summers; her hugs show her mass enjoyment of the activities.  It is nothing short of extraordinary to experience this camp with childlike excitement. 

My bucket list also included things like my first trip to Schlitterbahn which became a reality when my bestie came to visit.  I tested my far from daring nature as we took to the water slides. We floated the Comal River in keeping with summer tradition in this part of Texas.  We went to a summer concert or two with friends.  We had dinner parties. I painted faces.  My bucket list while maybe not completely finished was one for the record books.  My garden exploded this summer too.  I grew cantaloups, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, zucchini, Basil, Oregano, Parsley, Lavender, and some gorgeous flowers. With the help of my green thumbed neighbor and his natural fertilizer and my stepdad's technical genius for building a garden shade, everything blossomed.  We even planted asparagus; though we later learned it takes three full years to fruit.  Summer of 2014 was fantastical.

I think of the final scene of Dirty Dancing while saying this...Summer, I bid you farewell.  You will come again just when we need you and stay for longer than I like. However, you are entertaining, and I am thankful for the time we spent together. 

Now onto the next one. Fall and my birthday come tomorrow. I could not be more elated and hopeful for what will accompany them. 


The Sweetest of Sweet 16's

"Hold on to sixteen as long as you can
Changes come around real soon
Make us women and men"

-John Cougar Mellencamp "Jack and Diane"

“May you build a ladder to the stars 
And climb on every rung 
 May you stay forever young” 

– Bob Dylan "Forever Young"

Celebratory events thrill me. A sweet sixteen is an American tradition; a party thrown in honor of a girl's sixteenth birthday to commemorate her rite of passage into young adulthood.  When I had the opportunity to put on my event planning hat for this special event honoring this young woman I have had the the pleasure of knowing for ten years, I jumped at it! What an honor and privilege to help plan such a wonderful occasion.

We began by setting the color theme: Turquoise and Gold and everything glitter.  Of no surprise to anyone, I became even more excited when these choices were made.  We decided that handing out invitations would feel more personal than the more common e-vite, so we began designing.  The best part was the gold shimmer envelopes that we found on Amazon and the addition of the gold glitter to the invites. 

Next up in planning was the cake.  Ali preferred a less traditional method and decided on a cupcake bar.  The options for cake were basic: chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry.  Guests had a wide array of choices for frosting and toppings ranging from blue, pink, and white icing to red hots, sprinkles, gummy bears, and more to top them off.  Alison had her own special cupcakes made just for her.  The icing matched her beautiful dress she had chosen for the event.  She was picturesque.

In keeping with theme of "Sweet" sixteen, we decided to have a candy bar with all of Ali's favorite candies.  She prefers sour and sweet to chocolate, so we went wild with Airheads, gummy bears, sour straws, Skittles, and Blow pops. We had scoopers and goodie bags to keep the germ sharing to a minimum.  Catering for sustenance was ordered since we had planned an evening soiree.  The guests chowed down with pleasure.  Mexican food pleases many and was a hit for this party as well. 

For entertainment, we employed an amazing DJ.  He just happened to be Alison's best friend's brother, Jonathan Davila.  His DJ skills were amazing.  She had invited her dance teammates, and they all lived on the dance floor that night. From line dances to the wobble to just plain ol' getting' down, they had a blast.  The younger kids that were invited burned their sugar rushes from the candy and cupcake bars off here.  Their parents were pleased to have this outlet. 

To commemorate the occasion, we decided to make a guest book for Alison.  We left a variety of glitter pens and pages for them to write notes to her.  The event's photographer Michelle Marie Photography took Photo Booth pictures to add to the book later.  I loved the idea that Ali could look back and remember her sweet sixteen party: all of the friends that adore her vibrant and loving personality, the family that attended, and the details of the party with this book.  We also scheduled a photo session with Michelle prior to the party.  She used glitter as her main prop, so that we could capture Ali's beautiful self and for use in our decorations and for Thank You cards. These pictures proved very useful.  Alison can forever remember this day and her special party through these keepsakes.

Towards the end of the party, we dropped the lights and projected a slide show of Alison's past and present. It was fun to see her transformation into the ever so gorgeous woman she has become. Friends oohed and awed, mamas watched with tears, and everyone sang along to the tunes that accompanied.  Between the selfies and the dancing, the shenanigans during this party were amazing.  We all left feeling exhilarated and happy to have shared such a wonderful time with our friends. 

After the party, we made these Thank You cards so that Alison could show her gratitude and appreciate for the gifts she had received during the party. The envelopes that accompanied matched those of the invitations.  The perfect touch to her add her style and flare.  

At the end of the day, and the party, we high-fived at the success of this event. What a wonderful celebration of Alison's 16th year in our lives.  What a blessing she is and how lucky are we to experience her and watch her grow and mature.  


Top 10 Fall Favorites

“Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.” 
― Lauren DeStefanoWither

Autumn is and always has been my favorite of all seasons.  Albeit my birthday marks the beginning of it; I eagerly look forward to its arrival.  Living in Texas, summer has no dynamic to it.  It is 100% hot and humid.  So when the signs of Fall approach, I jump for joy and rejoice in the change of weather and everything else.  I have a theory that we are who we are partly because of the order in which we are exposed to the seasons.  Maybe it's a love of my first season that draws me to it?  Maybe it's just because it's (for lack of a better descriptor) awesome?  I love Fall. 

So I have decided to list for you my Top 10 Fall Favorites that are indicative that the Autumn is in full swing. 

1.  The Change of the Leaves: Though the change is very gradual here in Texas, it is typically evident by the time October arrives.  The hues of burnt orange and red stun my eyes.  I could stare at them while sipping my morning coffee and sit content.  Their beauty baffles me and brings me a euphoric feeling.  “Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” 
― Albert Camus

2.  Hot Apple Cider:  This delicious treat is something not easily relished during the scorching summer.  As the first cold front hits, I bust out the cinnamon sticks and ready myself for this tasty goodness.  It warms you from the inside out and is one of my primary associations with Autumn. In searching for a signature drink for our December wedding last year, we looked into some variations of apple cider.  Comment below if you have an recipes to enhance this already fantastic drink!

3.  Butternut Squash: As a gardener, I look forward to anytime when I can reap the rewards of my labor. Fall makes my butternut squash prime for the picking. It brings me great pleasure to figure out the ways in which I can utilize this gourd to make new foods.  As I walked the aisles of Target last week in a daze, I even noticed that they have Butternut Squash pasta sauce which I immediately thought about drizzling over some spiraled zucchini. My mouth watered at the idea of it.

4.  Football Season: My hubby's input on this list was #1 FOOTBALL!  He looks forward to this season from the moment March Madness ends.  I look forward to it for the social aspect.  It is a weekly excuse to gather with friends and chill out.  Everyone brings their various dips, chips, cheeses, meats, and sweets.  Koozies wrap around cans.  Bottles of the fall flavored brew all around.  Cheers and high fives as your favorite teams fight for victory in hopes that this season's performance will trump the last.  We sport the colors of our teams.  Kids play carefree and look at adults in amazement as they scream at televisions.  Everyone grabs their tablets to adjust their fantasy teams. Sheer fun is had by all. 

5.  Pumpkins: Pumpkins have a variety of reasons they rock this season.  Pumpkin patches are great for taking fall pictures.  These gourds can be a staple of your decor from September til the beginning of December.  In September, they can line your wreathes to show your enthusiasm for Fall.  In October, they can be decorated or carved to show your Halloween spirit.  In November they can become a table centerpiece as your family gathers to be thankful.  Even in December they can be hollowed and cooked to your delight to make pies, breads, and more.  All of my friends jump with joy at the thought of a pumpkin spice latte when they become seasonal.  I am eagerly looking forward to seeing give us a tutorial on DIY pumpkin decorating next month.  Take a look at her Instagram teaser pic:

6.  Halloween: I am privileged that my job allows me to dress up every day for the full week of this momentous occasion.  The weeks that lead to this holiday get me excited as I walk the aisles of Target, Costco, Party City, and even Walgreens.  Any excuse to wear a costume is amazing in my world.  Give me fake blood, sequins, wigs, boot covers, false lashes, and more!  Kiddos love the candy and the sugar high that accompanies.  This year we will experience something spectacular.  The ghosts and gouls and princesses and superheros will come on Friday night.  Folks this hasn't happened for quite a while and is a rare gem.  Mamas everywhere are excited that the kids can sleep instead of doing their zombie impressions the day after this holiday this go around.  In this photo, courtesy of EZ Photography, you can see that I go all out for this holiday.  Coming in October, see my collaborative vlog on "Zombie Makeup tips".  You too can look like a scarred less alive version of yourself.

7.  Cooler Temperatures: As mentioned before, living in Texas means summer is a scorcher.  Fall brings 'cold' fronts.  The temps begin to drop (slowly but surely) around here. We get weather other than burning sunshine.  Give me storms and thunder every once in a while in order to keep life interesting.  Who doesn't love a cloudy morning to sleep in? These cooler temps bring relief from summer and are welcome by the time they arrive.

8.  Boots: I get to put away my staple flip flops and sandals and pull out my boots!  Lord knows if I wear them during the heat of the summer, the smell that would emit from them would forever be terrible.  Now I can with sound mind, wear my boots.  Boots with heels, boots with laces, boots with buckles, flat boots, short boots, tall boots, heck, even Cowboy boots.  I am 100% girl when it comes to shoes, and my boot collection is eclectic and essential.  Though it makes every suitcase borderline too heavy, these shoes are essential to the season.

9.  Scarves: As stated previously, I enjoy accessorizing.  Picking your favorite scarf and wearing it can be exhilarating.  They come in all shapes and sizes.  My personal favorite is the infinity scarf.  Like it's shape, its' versatility is endless.  My dear friend Julie recently showed me how to wear your favorite rectangular scarf as a vest!  Here's a YouTube tutorial:

10.  Layers: Who doesn't love to layer?  I adore this season for the fact that I can wear my favorite jeans, a tank top, paired with a sweater or plaid shirt, some tall socks with boots, a scarf for when I am outdoors and for quick removal when I come in.  I can put every color I have ever had the slightest inkling of wearing into one outfit and not be called "Punky Brewster".  Layers delight me.  They add a dynamic to fashion that allows for comfort and style.  

Fall into this autumnal season. Comment below with your favorite Fall things.  


99 Days Until Christmas

Ninety-nine days until Christmas...

You could say that my Christmas enthusiasm trumps that of Buddy the Elf* especially since I wasn't lucky as he to be raised at the North Pole by elves.  From the moment the season ends and the decor is put away, I count the time until it is socially allowed to rejoice again with lights, hot chocolate, the smell of cinnamon and fir, and belting the carol of your choice.

My adoration for this holiday comes from the happiness that I associate with it and my grandmother's obsession with it. She would hum carols, bake the most delicious pies, and keep a lit tree into the Spring. I loved it.  As a child, I wondered why my immediate family didn't adopt this same tradition.  She had elves and miniature figurines that she was particular about arranging beneath her tree. She embodied the spirit of Christmas. Her focus was not on the materialism of Christmas but rather the general spirit of the holiday.Annually, I look forward to this season for the carols that I can blast from Thanksgiving on, for the delicious treats that I can partake in, for the cold weather cuddles, for the spirit of love and giving, for the goodwill that it inspires in man, and more.

The other day, in a nervous situation, I found myself humming "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" as I waited for a meeting. The lady next to me shot a look at me like I had annoyed her to the point that her skin crawled. I apologized and dropped my head. Later, as I laughed, I reflected on the comfort that I find in these carols. They calm me because of the warm fuzzies that I associate with this holiday.

To all of those dancers cast in the Nutcrackers everywhere, work hard and the reward will feel amazing. Those rehearsals now will be worth their weight in gold as you honor the timely tradition of performing this classic during the season.

To all of the planners who see this as a time marker for shopping, I encourage you to take your time.  Although it is great to be a step ahead of the game, it is also fun to embrace the spirit of the season during the season.  You could use this time to try hand making gifts this go around.  

The only thing I would encourage is taking a gorgeous fall family picture for the purpose of those Christmas cards.  In the time honored tradition, let everyone see the annual transformation of your family.  Book those photography sessions now before your favorite photog become inundated with his or her other clients.  I know we will be booking ours soon with Michelle Marie Photography.

I know that we have many holidays along the way between now and Christmas, but you can bet that the time will go quickly. Christmas, in all of its glory and splendor, will be here before you know it. So I encourage you to look forward eagerly but to enjoy the time along the way.  The change of the seasons is fun to experience in our preparation of this holy and elated time. 

(*No copyright infringement intended.  For entertainment purposes only. Buddy the Elf is a product of New Line Cinema.)


To Sarabeth on her 33rd Birthday...

So every year as my birthday approaches, I cannot help but get excited about the impending celebration.  It is one of the best excuses we have to gather our friends that we hold near and dear to our hearts and do something fun that we enjoy.  Not only do we get to publicly acknowledge our blessings, but we get to make goals for our upcoming year and give ourselves directions and further purpose.

I just so happen to be turning 33 years old this year.  It also just so happens that 3 is my magic number for a number of reasons.  Schoolhouse Rocks highlighted its importance to me in my early childhood years, and ever since, I have been sold on the number 3.  [] I love its representation of so many things: past, present, future/ faith, hope, love/ Father, Son, Holy Spirit/ heart, brain, body.  The list could go on and on.  As a dance teacher, I adore situations in which I get to choreograph dances for multiples of three. My OCD brain enjoys formations that are visually appealing and yield themselves to dynamic group work. I met my husband when I was 30 years old and he was 33.  Coincidence? Absolutely not. The stars aligned, our souls collided, and now we share the most amazing friendship I have ever had the pleasure to experience. Now on the precipice of my 33rd birthday, I cannot contain my excitement.  

The trickiest part about a birthday is figuring out how to have a good time, without being stressed, and how not to go overboard (as I'm often told I do with every holiday.)  

The possibilities are endless.  I am currently considering figuring out a way to have my wide array of friends help me celebrate.  I would love to do a costume party but have probably delayed my planning too long to do that. (Luckily, there is a perfect holiday around the corner that will allow for costumes to my hearts content.)  I was thinking about having an at home party, but that would require some cleaning and reorganizing which sounds far from appetizing.  All signs point to do something locally.  Maybe lunch with friends, jumpoline with my students who would like to join in the fun, and dinner and a night out with more friends.  

Ever since we got married, my obsession with gold has grown multitudes.  I love that I see it all around.  I love that I can spray paint almost anything I want to with the color gold.  I love that it is the "in" jewelry color.  So below I have highlighted, some of the more simple things that would be fun for me on my 33rd birthday.  My hubby and I have discussed that experience seems to yield the best gifts (i.e. doing something out the ordinary, spontaneous vacays, memory making sort of excitement), but having just returned from a cruise and getting into the swing of fall and football season, I figured why not make a wish list.  

33rd Birthday Wishlist

As a dancer, I can always use some new kicks, so here you will see the two pairs that I find are staples to my 30 something wardrobe: Converse and Nike Free 5.0's.  I chose basic colors in these shoes to allow for versatility.  I recently redid our guest bedroom to find a workspace for myself in the transition phase in which I find myself.  In doing so, I created a fun and friendly office space with touches of gold and turquoise.  Here I have highlighted some encouraging wall decor and pencils as well.   The watch is something I have wanted for a while.  I see them popping up on the wrists of people all around who's style I adore.  I think this could be a great staple piece to add to my collection and wear for years to come. The wall tapestry is gorgeous!  My friend Brooklyn recently made a unique and stunning wall tapestry, but until my innovative and creative juices begin to pour out of me as they seem to with her, this one is beautiful and would compliment my new room perfectly.  The jeans are another staple to my wardrobe.  I used to adore buying and wearing fancy jeans in my past life.  Now give me Old Navy Rockstar jeans any day!  They are complimentary to my figure and always available in a variety of colors.  This boho frock is just an example of something I'd like to add for my winter collection, very versatile and fun.  As a child, the era in which Blossom was popular made my world!  Who doesn't like to accessorize?  Am I right? This hat would make a statement and keep me warm.  I would love to walk the streets of New York (visiting my bestie) wearing this stylish piece.  I have been eagerly awaiting Paolo Nutini to release new music for what seems like ages. To tell you I am excited for this new EP would be an egregious understatement.   Meiko is one of my favorites as well.  She is touring through Austin this fall, and I will be sure to be there with bells on. 

All in all, as my birthday approaches, in my 33rd year of living, I hope to find myself a little more, for my various prayers to be answered, for my general hopes and aspirations to become slightly more reachable, and to celebrate with those I love most.  Verbal acknowledgement of a birthday is honestly the best gift in my opinion.  I cannot wait to see what year 33 has in store for me.