

Top 10 Fall Favorites

“Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.” 
― Lauren DeStefanoWither

Autumn is and always has been my favorite of all seasons.  Albeit my birthday marks the beginning of it; I eagerly look forward to its arrival.  Living in Texas, summer has no dynamic to it.  It is 100% hot and humid.  So when the signs of Fall approach, I jump for joy and rejoice in the change of weather and everything else.  I have a theory that we are who we are partly because of the order in which we are exposed to the seasons.  Maybe it's a love of my first season that draws me to it?  Maybe it's just because it's (for lack of a better descriptor) awesome?  I love Fall. 

So I have decided to list for you my Top 10 Fall Favorites that are indicative that the Autumn is in full swing. 

1.  The Change of the Leaves: Though the change is very gradual here in Texas, it is typically evident by the time October arrives.  The hues of burnt orange and red stun my eyes.  I could stare at them while sipping my morning coffee and sit content.  Their beauty baffles me and brings me a euphoric feeling.  “Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” 
― Albert Camus

2.  Hot Apple Cider:  This delicious treat is something not easily relished during the scorching summer.  As the first cold front hits, I bust out the cinnamon sticks and ready myself for this tasty goodness.  It warms you from the inside out and is one of my primary associations with Autumn. In searching for a signature drink for our December wedding last year, we looked into some variations of apple cider.  Comment below if you have an recipes to enhance this already fantastic drink!

3.  Butternut Squash: As a gardener, I look forward to anytime when I can reap the rewards of my labor. Fall makes my butternut squash prime for the picking. It brings me great pleasure to figure out the ways in which I can utilize this gourd to make new foods.  As I walked the aisles of Target last week in a daze, I even noticed that they have Butternut Squash pasta sauce which I immediately thought about drizzling over some spiraled zucchini. My mouth watered at the idea of it.

4.  Football Season: My hubby's input on this list was #1 FOOTBALL!  He looks forward to this season from the moment March Madness ends.  I look forward to it for the social aspect.  It is a weekly excuse to gather with friends and chill out.  Everyone brings their various dips, chips, cheeses, meats, and sweets.  Koozies wrap around cans.  Bottles of the fall flavored brew all around.  Cheers and high fives as your favorite teams fight for victory in hopes that this season's performance will trump the last.  We sport the colors of our teams.  Kids play carefree and look at adults in amazement as they scream at televisions.  Everyone grabs their tablets to adjust their fantasy teams. Sheer fun is had by all. 

5.  Pumpkins: Pumpkins have a variety of reasons they rock this season.  Pumpkin patches are great for taking fall pictures.  These gourds can be a staple of your decor from September til the beginning of December.  In September, they can line your wreathes to show your enthusiasm for Fall.  In October, they can be decorated or carved to show your Halloween spirit.  In November they can become a table centerpiece as your family gathers to be thankful.  Even in December they can be hollowed and cooked to your delight to make pies, breads, and more.  All of my friends jump with joy at the thought of a pumpkin spice latte when they become seasonal.  I am eagerly looking forward to seeing give us a tutorial on DIY pumpkin decorating next month.  Take a look at her Instagram teaser pic:

6.  Halloween: I am privileged that my job allows me to dress up every day for the full week of this momentous occasion.  The weeks that lead to this holiday get me excited as I walk the aisles of Target, Costco, Party City, and even Walgreens.  Any excuse to wear a costume is amazing in my world.  Give me fake blood, sequins, wigs, boot covers, false lashes, and more!  Kiddos love the candy and the sugar high that accompanies.  This year we will experience something spectacular.  The ghosts and gouls and princesses and superheros will come on Friday night.  Folks this hasn't happened for quite a while and is a rare gem.  Mamas everywhere are excited that the kids can sleep instead of doing their zombie impressions the day after this holiday this go around.  In this photo, courtesy of EZ Photography, you can see that I go all out for this holiday.  Coming in October, see my collaborative vlog on "Zombie Makeup tips".  You too can look like a scarred less alive version of yourself.

7.  Cooler Temperatures: As mentioned before, living in Texas means summer is a scorcher.  Fall brings 'cold' fronts.  The temps begin to drop (slowly but surely) around here. We get weather other than burning sunshine.  Give me storms and thunder every once in a while in order to keep life interesting.  Who doesn't love a cloudy morning to sleep in? These cooler temps bring relief from summer and are welcome by the time they arrive.

8.  Boots: I get to put away my staple flip flops and sandals and pull out my boots!  Lord knows if I wear them during the heat of the summer, the smell that would emit from them would forever be terrible.  Now I can with sound mind, wear my boots.  Boots with heels, boots with laces, boots with buckles, flat boots, short boots, tall boots, heck, even Cowboy boots.  I am 100% girl when it comes to shoes, and my boot collection is eclectic and essential.  Though it makes every suitcase borderline too heavy, these shoes are essential to the season.

9.  Scarves: As stated previously, I enjoy accessorizing.  Picking your favorite scarf and wearing it can be exhilarating.  They come in all shapes and sizes.  My personal favorite is the infinity scarf.  Like it's shape, its' versatility is endless.  My dear friend Julie recently showed me how to wear your favorite rectangular scarf as a vest!  Here's a YouTube tutorial:

10.  Layers: Who doesn't love to layer?  I adore this season for the fact that I can wear my favorite jeans, a tank top, paired with a sweater or plaid shirt, some tall socks with boots, a scarf for when I am outdoors and for quick removal when I come in.  I can put every color I have ever had the slightest inkling of wearing into one outfit and not be called "Punky Brewster".  Layers delight me.  They add a dynamic to fashion that allows for comfort and style.  

Fall into this autumnal season. Comment below with your favorite Fall things.  

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