

Last Day of Summer 2015

I am joyful as summer ends because it means the coming of fall.  We can enjoy the cooler weather, pumpkin flavored everything, football season, changing leaves, and the coming of family holidays.  The precipice of change allows for hope in the future.  I adore this idea.

I did not quite accomplish everything I had set out to enjoy on my summer buck list. A few of the things were not feasible due to the heavy rains we had during June. In my review of the season, I realized that much of my activity could not be traced on this bucket list.  

 I began the Spring by planting a garden.  I have herbs that grow year round but the majority of my summer garden consists of plants that only enjoy the warmer weather that accompanies the summer months.  I planted tomatoes (three varieties).  The smallest of them lived the longest when the rain was long gone and the dry times of summer truly set in.  I had dinosaur sized zucchini and squash.  My assumption is that the rain helped them grow to great lengths.  I had potatoes, onions, carrots, and tiny native Texas oranges.  My peach tree, a new addition, even produced some sweet fruit.  I look forward to the time in which it will be more bountiful but I guess that's the truth for many things.  As the summer passed on my garden began to feel the wear and tear of the drought like conditions that summer in Texas inevitably yields.  I am excited to plant some fall/winter veggies and see the new growth.  

A surprise for my summer list was the release of the freshly hatched sea turtles. My family and I witnessed this miraculous event.  They take protected, freshly hatched sea turtles and release them into the ocean.  

The park rangers protect them from the gulls flying overhead so that they may have greater opportunity for survival. 

Never have I ever, seen such cute Oreo sized turtles and been so engaged in watching their slow travels to the big blue sea.  

For more information on this event, visit:

As many Texans do, we spent a week at Gulf shores of Port Aransas with family soaking up the sun (through a layer of sunscreen of course), enjoying the salt and sand, and spending time making memories to last well into the future.  We played a multitude of games and my dancing singing self even had the opportunity to lip sync battle.  It was one for the books.  
Castle Hill Graffiti Gallery made it onto the list of activities.  I had a special request to visit and spray a wall.  Let's just say it didn't take any twisting of the arm or coercion to get me there.  I jumped at the opportunity.  I absolutely adore any chance to be creative .  So we trucked on down to downtown with cans in hand and found a little space to express ourselves for a little while.  If you are presented with this opportunity, I highly encourage you to take it.  If anything, the experience is worth it. 


 Next up, one that was actually on the list, stand up paddle boarding. SUPing as the kids say.  Quite the experience, though it took a while for me to actually get going but once you get the hang of it, it's actually quite enjoyable. 

Summer camp fills my days, and for that I am incredible thankful.  It encourages me to never grow up too much and to embrace a child like wonder of the world around me.  I love to act like a kid in this experience especially.  Luckily I am great at this embrace.  I can dance to my heart's content, play mermaid with little ones who believe that opportunity truly exists, sing loudly without any thought of my key or tone, and general love life.  It is a blessing for which I am grateful. 


July in Austin always involves attending the Zilker summer musical.  This year's production of Hairspray was amazing.  It is with eager anticipation for Shrek the Musical that I wait for next season's production.  You just might catch me singing along through the entire show. 

I intend to take some of the action items from summer and add them to my fall to do list.  I hear Enchanted Rock is much more pleasant in the cooler weather, Brodie (my pup) could use a visit to the dog park, and bowling seems fun any ol' time.  So while it may seem incomplete, it more along the lines of postponed for a bit.  I love fall.  I am in eager anticipation of this season. 

Tomorrow brings the change of seasons, though it may not be visible just yet.  It also brings my birthday!  I am hopeful for the coming year and the welcome changes that it could possibly bring. 

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